Temple Contouring

Temple Contouring

At Aesthetique Skin & Body we use a variety of dermal fillers that can improve sunken temples with excellent lifting effects and longer-lasting results.  Hollow temples can age your face. We often recommend treating hollow temples in unison with a mid or whole face rejuvenation.  Most temples have slight concavity, but deep hollows can create an older, unhealthy appearance. Treating a sunken facial area provides a balanced contour with a smoother transition to the hairline and cheeks, giving you a more youthful look.

What causes Hollow Temples?

As we age, our faces gradually begin to lose their fat and bone layers. Over time, this can create a gaunt, hollow appearance. Those people who are athletic or lean experience even more hollowing in the temple area as they age. Along with volume loss, ageing also causes the skin to lose elasticity. When facial skin sags, hollowness in the temples is accentuated. People rarely know they have temple hollowing; they simply know they look less attractive.

Temple hollowing changes the shape of your face from a “heart” to a “rectangle”. Treating this area can easily restore your “heart” shaped face and “lift” your brows, making your eyes look larger.